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Flatdogs Camp

Flatdogs Camp is on the border of the South Luangwa National Park, one of the last great wildlife wonders of the world. It is nine thousand square kilometers (3,475 square miles) of pristine wilderness and Flatdogs offers the perfect gateway. The South Luangwa NP has been visited by wildlife enthusiasts from all over the world since its creation in 1972.

From USD1,050
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14 – Day Zebra Safari

Embark on the 14-Day Zebra Safari from lively Lusaka to serene Livingstone. Witness the diverse wildlife of Northern Kafue’s Busanga Plains teeming with buffalo, sable, roan, and eland. Move to Liuwa Plain, home to Africa’s second-largest wildebeest migration and a rich cultural history. For nature lovers and adventure seekers.

From USD3,199
8 - Day Sable Safari | Sable antelope in Kafue NP
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8 – Day Sable Safari

Embark on a thrilling journey tracking endangered White Rhinos in Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park, followed by an exploration of the vast and diverse landscapes of Southern Kafue National Park. An unforgettable safari adventure awaits you! 🦏🌿

From USD1,963
19 - Day Wildebeest Safari
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19 – Day Wildebeest Safari

Embark on the enchanting 19-Day Wildebeest Safari, unveiling Western Zambia’s treasures. From the biodiversity of Kafue National Park to the mesmerizing wildebeest migration in Liuwa Plain, each day promises awe-inspiring wildlife encounters. Conclude your odyssey at Ngonye Falls and the iconic Victoria Falls, creating unforgettable memories in Zambia’s wild heart.

From USD4,433