Destination: Ngonye Falls

Also known as Sioma Falls because these Falls are near the village of Sioma. These beautiful Falls mark the transition point of the Zambezi Rivers’ flow from Kalahari sand floodplain to basalt dyke – the latter eventually contributing to the magnificent gorges of the Victoria Falls.

The horseshoe-shaped Ngonye Falls are mostly impressive because of the sheer volume of water that cascades over the staggered, twenty meter drop. An interesting aspect is that the river flows underneath the rock on either side of the falls. It is quite remarkable to stand upon them, feeling and hearing the underground flow.

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14 – Day Zebra Safari

Embark on the 14-Day Zebra Safari from lively Lusaka to serene Livingstone. Witness the diverse wildlife of Northern Kafue’s Busanga Plains teeming with buffalo, sable, roan, and eland. Move to Liuwa Plain, home to Africa’s second-largest wildebeest migration and a rich cultural history. For nature lovers and adventure seekers.

From USD3,199
19 - Day Wildebeest Safari
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19 – Day Wildebeest Safari

Embark on the enchanting 19-Day Wildebeest Safari, unveiling Western Zambia’s treasures. From the biodiversity of Kafue National Park to the mesmerizing wildebeest migration in Liuwa Plain, each day promises awe-inspiring wildlife encounters. Conclude your odyssey at Ngonye Falls and the iconic Victoria Falls, creating unforgettable memories in Zambia’s wild heart.

From USD4,433